Fast-fashion brand Fashion Nova has reported that 233 cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed at ones of its Los Angeles distribution centers over the past two weeks. This marks the third largest outbreak in the country, and comes as Los Angeles’ COVID-19 numbers become crippling. The city is nearing 1 million cases and another surge is expected.
At the same time California is ramping up its vaccination efforts to try and curtail the pandemic. California stadiums and fairgrounds are expected to be transformed into massive COVID-19 vaccination sites.
Update: Fashion Nova has provided the following statement to FashionUnited.
Fashion Nova is dedicated to the health, safety and welfare of its employees and takes significant steps to protect them from the Covid-19 virus. The company has had a total of 233 cases since October 18, 2020, when it started reporting to the Department of Health. Since the start of the pandemic the company has had a total of 314 cases out of approximately 10,000 employees/contractors who have been through the building, so about a 3 percent infection rate (which is very low).
L.A. Department of Health officials have toured our facilities to see the steps the company is taking to keep employees safe and comply with all regulations. In doing so they have praised Fashion Nova logistics practices and handling of the cases. These steps include but are not limited to:
- No-touch thermal scan temperature checks of all individuals entering the building,
- Maintaining (6 feet) social distance practices, including reducing the headcount by 40 percent per workday. There is a maximum of 16 individuals on each pick floor – an area of approximately 75,000 square feet. Large meetings have been suspended.
- Team leads, the leadership team, and human resources safety teams are monitoring safe distance practices by walking their respective areas and break areas every 10 minutes.
- Encouraging covering coughs and sneezes as well as frequent hand washing for 20 seconds, regularly cleaning high-touch services, and discouraging shaking hands per the California Executive Order.
- The Distribution Center is utilizing floor markers to visually highlight distancing requirements, and has separated microwaves, tables, time clocks to maintain a 6-foot distance.
- Providing employees with flexibility around work schedules and recommending that they work from home, to the extent feasible and appropriate. The Distribution Center has relaxed its attendance policies to permit staggered arrivals.
- The Distribution Center has added additional, staggered meal period and rest break times to allow for social distancing. There are 8 different breaks areas with a limit of 2 chairs per table. The lunch truck has been removed.
- Posting signs in the facility with COVID-19 safety reminders (hand-washing). Conducting manager training meetings for proper COVID-19 cleaning.
- Placing hand sanitizers, dispensers, masks, and gloves in prominent places around the workplace.
- Enhancing facility hygiene practices including increasing the frequency with which high-touch surfaces are cleaned after each shift (3-times per workday.)
- Doubling the professional cleaning services to support end-of-shift “deep cleans” of breakrooms, bathrooms, working surfaces and stair railings, and added a weekend “deep clean.”
- Restricting non-employee access to the Distribution Center.
- Enacting an Employee Incident Policy to address any situation where the company becomes aware of an employee who tests positive for COVID-19.
- Instituting a minimum 4-day waiting period for processing customer packages.
- Increased personal protective equipment for security, information technology, and housekeeping.
- Actively inquiring (proactively identifying) and monitoring the health and welfare of employees and if any signs and symptoms of a cold, flu and allergies sending them home and sanitizing the area.
Photo: Fashion Nova
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