February 6, 2025


We Do Shopping Right

Feel the Ecstasy With Charlotte Tilbury: Cheek to Chic Swish & Pop Blusher in Ecstasy


charlotte tilbury ecstasy
Next stop: Ecstasy…

Just in case you need some Sephora sale inspo! Ecstasy Blusher is one of my favorites by Charlotte Tilbury.

I can’t wear Charlotte Tilbury Ecstasy blush without thinking of mid-90s club banger Set U Free.

The way the lead singer breathlessly enunciates the word, “ecstasy,” about a billion times…

Welcome to the decade of my formative years.

Anywho…while I like how long this satiny, peachy pink blush stays on my cheeks, the main thing I love about $40 Ecstasy blush is that I can get it on my cheeks in three minutes, which is about how much time I typically have while Coy-Coy uses the potty, so I can walk out the front door looking like I actually slept eight hours and stretched my hamstrings in the morning. (In other words, with a spring in my step!)

charlotte tilbury ecstasy
Wearing both the shades mixed together

Charlotte recommends doing your blush last to best gauge how little or how much you need, and I agree.

So, here’s my Ecstasy three-minute makeup routine:

Don’t you love easy makeup? ? And don’t you also love it when Charlotte refers to blush as “blusher”?! (Or am I the only one?)

Charlotte designed Ecstasy (and this goes for all of her blushes) to be used as part of a two-step process. First, you swish the outer ring on your cheekbones to sculpt and shape, and then blend the brighter center shade on the apples of your cheeks for some color.

Of course…I usually end up swirling both colors together with a blush brush, and that works just fine for me.

charlotte tilbury ecstasy
Say what, Karen? You’re an NC42?

Ecstasy has a ring of peach blush with a pop of pink in the middle, and my inner fancy lady lurves it. The blush blends with very little resistance or effort, much like a Clinique Cheek Pop, so it’s easier than easy to apply. I think the petite powder grains help with this. If you want a finely-milled blush, a la Tom Ford, that’s what you’re gonna get.

Very similar to a Chanel Joues Constraste or a Tom Ford blush.

I’ve already put the more intense (and very naughty sounding) shade, The Climax, on my Sephora VIB sale wish list.

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,



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