May 2, 2024


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Our Top 8 Tips For Using Rental Storage Units

There are times when you just need more space, as we have found on several occasions over the years and hence become tenants of various storage units. Many reasons exist to rent a storage unit, however over time you do pick up a few tips that don’t seem to be mentioned when you are signing for your unit at the front desk! Here are a few tips from self storage units in Hemel Hempstead that we wish we had known from the very start.

1. Always Think Pallets

Making sure your things stay off the floor is crucial. You may think it sounds silly, but there is honestly no way you can be sure that melted snow isn’t going to make its way in or the unit next to yours won’t have a spillage that comes into contact with your precious great grandmother’s painting!

2. Wrap Everything Possible

Every time we take out a storage unit we use an industrial plastic wrap for everything possible. In that way, we know that insects and dust won’t call our belongings home. Uline is a great source for large rolls of industrial wrap.

3. Get A Hefty Small Lock

Granted most units do have security, but it sure doesn’t mean they always have eyes on your safety. Get yourself an all-weather padlock with a short arm, that way anybody who comes along with a bolt cutter won’t be able to slice your lock and help themselves to your belongings.

4. Labels Are Your Friend

It’s true that when you are putting items into your storage unit you know exactly what is going in, however in 6 months time you don’t want to spend half a day digging around in every corner of your unit to find a particular item you need. Labels are your friend, use them for everything. Nothing is too obvious to label, in fact, you may even decide to do a label list for the inside of the door that will direct you to each thing.

5. Think About Temperature Fluctuation

Some areas may not have this issue, however, there are a few things that are not good with heat or cold and may need wrapped accordingly, either by double wrapping or insulating the item. For example, old photos, vinyl records and electronics can all be a little worse for wear if you don’t give them TLC when storing.

6. Is It Winter? Think Sand!

In theory, outdoor storage units are designed to have water running away from the doors. However, often large ice slicks can call the outside door of your storage unit home, meaning unless you are willing to give up a limb, you can’t get to your belongings. Carry with you a bag of sand, cat litter, or sheets of plywood to give you rightful access to your own property.

7. Space Needs Protection

You may have given much thought to protecting the things you are putting in the unit, but don’t forget to care for the actual unit as well, otherwise, you may be hit with a nasty fine for causing damage. For example, if you are renting for your current restoration business, be sure to put plastic on the walls and floor so you don’t end up with glue drips and goodness knows what else (we hang our heads thinking of the wall we accidentally sprayed pink…)

8. Get Your Tetris Skills Going

Storage units can hold a lot, even the smallest ones, you just need to know how to make wise use of the space and pack right up to the ceiling. Using sheets of plywood is good for keeping layers stable and helping you stack in an upward fashion. It will also stop pressure being placed on the box tops and protect what is inside.