February 16, 2025


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Tips For Moving House With A Young Family

Six Tips for Moving with a Young Family | Optimove Removals

Moving house is stressful enough and this is only heightened when small children are involved. Luckily, there are some simple things that you can do to ensure the move goes as smoothly as is humanly possible! The most important thing to remember is to be organised and you will be able to deal with anything that comes your way.

Take Your Time Unpacking

When you move house, it can be tempting to try and unpack everything as quickly as possible, yet this will be difficult when you have young children to keep occupied. So, don’t rush. Try to unpack one box before moving onto another as this will create less clutter. Once you have your essentials unpacked just start working through your things a box at a time and make sure your children are happy.

To make your children excited about the new house, take a break from unpacking and go on a walk to show them the new area you are living in. This will be so exciting for them but will also help them to burn off some steam so you might get a bit more packing done if they have an early night!

Create Boxes For The First Night

One of the best tips to help you settle into your new home is to create a box for each room of the house ready for the first night that you move in. Have everyone’s toothbrush, some toothpaste, shower toiletries, baby washcloths, a towel and toilet rolls in one box.

In another, have everyone’s sleepwear and a comfy change of clothes for the morning like cosy loungewear. It is also a good idea to have a box with everyone’s duvets in, with the bedding already on. You’ll be really tired so the last thing you want is to have to be making everyone’s bed from scratch after a long day!

Then, have a few mugs, a kettle, some cutlery, plates and bowls ready to use in the kitchen. This will be more than enough to keep you going for the first night and morning to give you a chance to find your bearings.

Move During Term Time

This tip will only work if you’re moving locally, but arranging to move into your new home in term time is really useful when children are involved. Drop the children off at school, then you can do the bulk of the moving during the 6 hours of the school day without having to worry about where your children are and if they are occupied.

Moving can be a stressful time for children as well as adults, so if they are left to their own devices when you move in and are unpacking they might start to associate the new place with boredom or loneliness. So, moving in term time is the best way to keep them happy whilst allowing you to get lots done!

Book A Food Delivery

The most convenient option food wise is to book a delivery slot. A few weeks before you move you can book your slot and fill your virtual trolley with everything your family will need for the first week or so, meaning food won’t be a concern.

Although you might think you have time to go food shopping, you are likely to forget things as your mind will be all over the place. Order your shop for the day after you move in to make sure your fridge-freezer is up and running. This is also a good excuse to treat yourself to a takeaway, so pull out the coverall bibs for the kids and enjoy the first night in your new home!

Final Thoughts

If you’re moving house soon with small children, simply take a few precautions to make your life much easier. This should be an exciting time, so when you are feeling stress try to focus on the amazing memories you will be able to make as a family in your new home. Finally, remember that there is no rush! Take your time and get things how you want them, as that will be much quicker in the long run than having to re-organise everything!