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Tips to Remain Honest with your CV

In the hope to get a job, many candidates tend to lie on their curriculum vitae. That is a very bad idea that might harm your career. The good news is that you do not have to do that to make a good impression with recruiters. Your real experience and skills can help you get the job as it is. Here are our advices to make an effective an honest resume.

Notice that Recruiters Are Now Very Vigilant

When it comes to CVs, potential employers are often wary of exaggerated skills or results. Grossly overvaluing your accomplishments can send a red flag that can come back to haunt you during an interview, or just eliminate your chances of getting an interview in the first place. Therefore, prefer being entirely honest.

Even if your “little” lies are not noticed by a recruiter or a potential employer, you are preparing yourself for failure by misrepresenting your skills. You can increase your chances to catch the recruiter’s attention create a CV with, a specialized website that propose different attractive CV templates.

Quantify your Results in your CV

To the extent possible, include dollar amounts. If you have managed a large budget or have signed a big contract, be sure to mention it. Always remember that employers want to see what you have done and succeeded in your career, and numbers are a great way to show it. Most recruiters prefer read figures that long sentences.

Likewise, if the number of people you have led or programs you have developed was large, focus on this information. Showing that you have used your time for other work helps employers see what you can do for them.

Be Clear with your CV

With hundreds of resumes to go through, hiring managers spend a limited amount of time browsing all of them. Some CVs even go directly in the garbage if they are not impactful enough. You need to get your message out immediately and convince them that your skills and experience are what they are looking for. Make sure the key information is listed first or presented in a way that it stands out.

Mention the “out of work” experience. Be sure to highlight skills, education, community/volunteer work and additional training which are related to your particular area of employment or that a potential employer may consider as an asset. Include any notable prizes, recognitions, or professional achievements that you have won.