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Hundreds mark groundbreaking of Michigan World War II Legacy Memorial


Royal Oak – An estimated crowd of more than 300-plus people shook off chilly 40-degree temperatures, wind and intermittent rain at a groundbreaking Thursday for the Michigan World War II Legacy Memorial at Memorial Park near 13 Mile and Woodward Avenue.

There were local and state veteran organizations standing by proudly in uniform; patriotic relatives and friends looking on and applauding the names of veterans recognized as they arrived, several using walkers. Karen Newman sang the national anthem to cheers more associated with her traditional vocal appearances at the start of dozens of Detroit Red Wings hockey games over the years.

Tuskegee Airman Alexander Jefferson, seated, is recognized as he's escorted by fellow Tuskegee Airman Miguel Thornton, standing behind, as they head to the VIP area during the groundbreaking Thursday, April 7, 2022, for the Michigan World War II Legacy Memorial at Memorial Park in Royal Oak.

There were politicians who gave speeches and regardless of political preferences, all shared their heartfelt appreciation for veterans. John Maten, board president of the Legacy Memorial project, set the tone with the first speech of the 90-minute event.

“Over 80 years ago, FDR gave his famous speech asking for a state of war to be declared with Japan,” said Maten, after 2,403 American sepersonnel were killed at Pearl Harbor. “Over the course of World War II, 15,458 Michiganders made the ultimate sacrifice. Everyone in every part of society sacrificed and contributed in their own way.

“Today, we meet to break ground for a site that will honor the men and women of Michigan from the Greatest Generation that served and sacrificed in so many ways to protect the freedoms that we enjoy today,” Maten said. “It will also serve to educate current and future generations about their character and commitment so that their legacy lives on.”

Active member of the military, veterans and family members of veterans stand behind The Michigan WWII Legacy Memorial ceremonial groundbreaking area on Thursday, April 7, 2022, at the beginning of the ceremony in Royal Oak.

The first phase of the project will be gathering donations by selling 1,200 paver bricks with the engraved names and remembrance of those who have served, and those bricks will pave a Walk of Honor.

Also planned is an installation of a full-sized statue of “Joe,” a soldier in a foxhole reading a letter from home — symbolic of all those in service. Plans call for installing flag poles representing all military branches; future statue scenes and a two-sided Wall of Stars, with names of all Michigan residents who lost their lives in World War II.


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